What's Bamo?

Let's see what you can do

  • Movies

    Pick a platform, what genres are you into? Or maybe you just want to swipe on random stuff for fun...

  • Gaming

    Want to play a game with your friends but looking for something new? It's time to see something fresh, explore the categories and platforms, it's time to play!

  • Series

    No problem to start a new series, what is your favorite platform? you want something new? Just slide and you have it, so easy.

  • Recipes

    Explore cuisine from around the world, choose what types of dishes you want to do. Allergies or intolerances? we have it covered!

Need something special?

Customize your game

  • Custom Deck

    You can create your own decks to use with your friends, family, partner... Decide where to go tonight or a board game for the afternoon, what do we do this weekend?

    Customize your deck, you can save it and use it whenever you want. It's easy, fast and fun. It's time to play Bamo!

Do you need more information?

Contact me

This is beginning of the project and we are open to get feedback from you. You have different channel to contact us or send feedback.

Feedback In App

Create an account and go to feedback section.

Frequently Asked Question

We are here to support you with all you require. Some of frequent questions can be find here:

How could I create an account?
This is the beginning of the experience. You have a link to sign up in login page. Click there and fill a valid email, username and password. In order to validate your account, you will receive a four number code which has to be set in verification screen. A soon as you introduce the right code, you will be automatically logged in.
How could I recover my password?
It's very simple, there's a dedicated section, clicking on "forgot password" you can introduce your email to recover it. A verification code is required in order to increase security. A soon as you verify the code, a new password will be sent to your email. We recommend to change it when you are logged in.
I do not want to stay here, could I remove my account and all details?
Sure, log into your account and go to profile screen. There you will find a section to delete your account. Remember if you remove your account this will not be recoverable.
What's game workflow?
Bamo has been designed to be easy, tap on a category in main menu (movies, series, recipes..), toggle across different filters and create a game. You can play alone or share link with your friend's to join in. Start game and like/dislike/skip provided cards. Now, let's agree!
What's custom deck?
Basically, it offers a way to create your custom decks with your own options to decide about ANY topic.
What's difference between InPlay or Deferred modes?
In Play mode has been designed to be a real time experience to get an agreement in that moment. Once game is started, nobody can join in. However, deferred mode provide you with timer option (1h-24h) and it can be shared once it's already started. You will get results when configured time is reached.

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 28 of January, 2024

This privacy policy ("Policy") describes how Bamo App collects, uses, stores, and shares information about users of Bamo App.

1. Information we collect

When using Bamo App, we may collect and process the following information about you:

  • Username.
  • Email address.
  • Encrypted password.
2. How we use your information

We use the information collected to:

  • Allow you to register and access Bamo App.
  • Verify your identity and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Allow you to enjoy bamo experience.
  • Display player names in a game room.
3. Advertisements

We use Google's Mobile Ads (MobAds) to provide reward-based advertisements in Bamo App. By choosing to watch these ads, you may be sharing data with Google and its partners. You can learn more about how Google uses data when you use our app by visiting Google's privacy policy.

4. How we share your information

We do not share your email address with other users. Only your username is visible in the top game room's where you joined in.

We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties.

5. Security of your information

We take measures to protect your information against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access. These measures include:

  • Storing your password in an encrypted form.
  • Using security protocols to protect the transmission of information.
6. Access and control over your information

You can access and update your password at any time from your profile in Bamo App. You can also view your game history.

7. Changes to this policy

We may update our privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and we will notify you of any significant changes.

8. Contact

If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at support@bamo-app.com.